Remnant Nation Live

"And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him." Daniel 7:27

A Signpost

No revelation or truth is worth remembering if it isn't worth obeying, living, and being consistently acted upon.
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Miscellaneous Information:
Remnant Nation Live is an online platform for the Remnant Nation Live community which is growing exponentially. Remnant Nation Live is a ministry which seeks to unite the Hebrew diaspora located in the United States and around the world. As a Messianic Hebrew community which keeps the Law, honors the Shabbat, the feasts, and eating clean.

We also stress the seamless continuity of scripture without covenantal separation but rather covenantal renewal. Yah has not forgotten nor rejecting Israel. This said, we do not hold to the fallacies of replacement theology which suggests the church is the "New Israel." Israel is Israel, not the church. While others may be grafted in, the Messianic body of Israel is yet the apple of Yah's eye.

We ARE NOT affiliated with any camp, or any other hate-mongering group. WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RACIAL BIAS WHATSOEVER. We honor the legacy of Manessah who brings a necessary Hamitic connection, and we willingly extend a hand to all who cross over to walk in the way of Torah. We hold to the truth of our divinely given nation and the organization and allegiance it scripturally demands. 

For more information, see "About Us."