Remnant Nation Live

"And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him." Daniel 7:27

A Signpost

No revelation or truth is worth remembering if it isn't worth obeying, living, and being consistently acted upon.
Malkah Norwood
Malkah Norwood is the founder of the music genre Set-Apart Music and Meditation, including, but not limited to, singer/songwriter and creative. She said, "I was inspired to create SAMM for the Disciples and Companions of The Messiah to accompany your personal set-apart praise & worship, biblical scripture memorization, sacred prayer & meditation, biblical study & application, and overall communal fellowship."

She has 20+ years of learned experience as a singer/songwriter with some training and mentored guidance. I am music/media equipment savvy and encompass an eager desire to serve YHWH and His beloved ones involving my craft also as a student of The Sacred Scriptures (The Holy Bible) and biblical Hebrew language.

To hear her music: YouTubeSoundcloud, and Bandcamp of her 2018 self-entitled album, MALKAH.