Remnant Nation Live

"And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him." Daniel 7:27

A Signpost

No revelation or truth is worth remembering if it isn't worth obeying, living, and being consistently acted upon.

Breshiyt - "In Beginning"

Moreh Malkiyah Uriel

Our mission is to help unite & organize scattered Israel

Shalom! Thanks for visiting Remnant Nation Live (Daniel 7:27). This is a great place to discover, nurture, and embrace who you are. Who are you? Well, there is a possibility you may be an Israelite and not an Africa-American. If so, you have descendants and holy traditions dating back thousands of years. We pray you prosper as you obediently love and obey our Elohim and further discover who you are. Just as I did, ask the question... 

Some Videos

Current Series: Principles of Hebraic Wholeness

Before the outward kingdom comes, your inward kingdom must be taken and mastered...

Latest Insight

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From the Blog

RNL Radio

RNLive Radio

24/7 Word, Worship, and Wonder with Moreh Malkiyah Uriel!

We are constantly improving the station's format to give you the BEST in 
HI-Music (Hebrew Israelite Music). RNLRadio is fully licensed which means our artists receive royalties.
Course Material

Twelve Kingdom Pillars

What if every prophecy came to pass tonight, would you be ready to take your place in the kingdom? Are you prepared?
Worship & Meditation

Spontaneous Worship

You never know! Moreh just may interrupt his own flow of teaching to flow in worship and prophetic praise. No reason is needed when you love our Elohim without restriction. 

Praise and worship is good for the soul and is health to one’s spirit. Ha Ruach shelu dwells in a heavenly place where, "Qedosh, Qedosh, Qedosh” is heard repeatedly. Be lifted up Oh gates,be lifted up you everlasting doors and the King of Glory shall come in. 

May HaShem our Elohim and Aveynu ever dwell with and in us. Hallelujah!!!

WARNING! Angelic voices are welcome but not necessary, all are welcome to get in the mix of praise and elevate your heart and mind to Him. 

What is spontaneous worship, want to jump in? Whether Moreh Malkiyah Uriel is on the radio, teaching, our just sharing a thought or two, you just may get a taste of what spontaneous praise and worship is all about. 

The only time you may witness a reluctance is when class is being taught in the academy (live) or when serious discussions and or debates are in progress. 

Other than those times, you are welcome to jump in. 

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We use our resources to worship, teach, and broadcast as we awaken those scattered and lost in our midst.

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